open - sommergreens
Carts allowed
from mats open
practice greens open
Lawn Tees closed
From 16.-30 November, Mon. - Sun.: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 13:00 p.m. - 17:00 p.m.
The office and golf shop may close earlier if the weather is bad
10:00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m.
warm kitchen 11:30 a.m. - 14:00 p.m and 17:30 p.m. - 21:00 p.m.
We thank you for making a reservation by telephone or electronically.
In bad weather or no reservations, we allow ourselves to close the restaurant earlier.
Our Greenkeeping
Without greenkeepers there is no golf! This also applies to the Küssnacht am Rigi golf course. Head greenkeeper Kurt Reber and his team are responsible for course maintenance. He can count on the support of six other greenkeepers and a caddie master.
The competent team maintains the course with a lot of personal commitment and a sense for nature. State-of-the-art machines make it possible to cut early in the morning without leaving any manure residue on the fairways. This means that golfers are hardly disturbed by course work with machines during the day.
Mutual consideration
Our greenkeepers will be pleased if you pay attention to their hand signals when the course is being maintained or worked on during play. Mutual consideration facilitates the game as well as the maintenance of the course by the staff.
Our Greenkeepers
Kurt Reber
Head Greenkeeper
Alan Voddan
Ivan Boljanovic
Menderes Ujkanovic
Stv. Head Greenkeeper
Guido Schmidig
Erika Ablondi-Tschümperlin
Mänz Ehrler
Christian Sigrist
Golf and Nature
Golf Küssnacht am Rigi stands for sustainable cooperation between golf and the environment, taking ecological aspects into account. According to the understanding of the operators, experiencing and enjoying an intact nature is only possible by taking responsibility.
WWF Certificate
The WWF accompanied the construction of the golf course from the beginning and awarded the 18-hole course the distinction of "particularly environmentally compatible and near-natural sports and leisure facility" after completion.